title liability

Horse Club Liability Insurance

This insurance is designed to provide coverage and defense costs for the club and club members in the event some one other than a club member suffers bodily injury or property damage and feels the club was responsible.


The policy does not cover members of the club for injuries; this is a third party liability insurance coverage. Additional Insured's, such as arena owners and private, corporate and government property owners, can be added.

Club Liability Insurance policies can be written for one year or for one event.  These policies are tailored to meet the needs of your club.

Coverage highlights:

* Limits of $300,000 to $1 million available
* All club members are protected if a suit arises from a club activity
* Products/completed operations are included
* Fire Legal liability is included
* Personal and Advertising Injury liability is available with some companies
* Spectator liability included

Please contact our office to discuss your Horse Club/Association Liability needs and to obtain a quote.